If you fail an exam and need to attempt it again, this is considered a re-write. You will only be allowed to re-write if you are eligible for another attempt. You can purchase a new exam attempt for a fee (“re-write fee”). IFSE will notify Pearson VUE of your...
If you are scheduled to write an exam and you do not show up, you will be charged a missed exam fee and you forfeit that exam attempt and any fees you have paid for that exam write.
You can cancel or re-schedule a computer-based exam up to one business day (24-hour minimum) from your scheduled appointment time. If you fail to provide sufficient notice of cancellation or re-schedule, or you do not show up for your exam appointment, you will...
Appointments may be re-scheduled or cancelled through the “Re-schedule a Test” or “Cancel a Test” button on Pearson VUE website. You have to login into your IFSE account first and then click to the Pearson VUE website. Requests to re-schedule or cancel a test...
Your first exam attempt is typically included in the price of the course enrolment; however, there may be some exceptions. You can find course pricing here. Second and subsequent exam attempts are subject to an exam re-write fee.