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Do I receive a transcript or diploma?

You will receive an official grade transcript and diploma upon successful completion of the course. Official grade transcripts may be printed online from your desktop after you login. Diplomas will be delivered by mail. For more information, read the FAQs under After...

What is the CIFC Exam Preparation Live Webinar?

A live webinar is real-time training with an IFSE instructor, delivered online. The CIFC Exam Preparation Live Webinar includes six two-hour modules. You will be able to interact with the instructor to get the answers you need to pass the CIFC exam. Sessions are...

What is the SeeWhy Success Package?

The CIFC Success Package from SeeWhy Learning includes an Online Study Guide, Flash Cards, Quizzes, and Practice Exams to help you confidently pass the CIFC exam. You can also add over 50+ Trainer Videos to your account after registration for extra support. Simplify...

How do I become registered as a mutual fund dealing representative?

You must first complete your proficiency requirement by passing the Canadian Investment Funds Course (CIFC) exam. The CIFC is an online self-study course with a formal proctored exam. You have one-year from the date of enrolment to successfully pass the exam. When you...